New Calculation Options and Export Capabilities Added to WP Word Count Pro

WP Word Count Pro 2.3.0 has been released with a handful of bug fixes and two new additional features: calculation options and export capabilities.

Version 2.3.0 of WP Word Count Pro has been released with a handful of bug fixes, interface changes and two new additional features: calculation options and export capabilities.

Calculate by Date Range

New in 2.3.0 is the ability to do your initial word count calculations by a date range. This will allow users with larger than normal sites, that contain thousands of posts and years of content, a more flexible way to get their initial word counts stored inside of WP Word Count without taxing their web host.

WP Word Count Calculation Options

You can still calculate all of your content at once if you would like but for those with cost effective hosting or extremely large sites this gives you more flexibility when initially setting up your copy of WP Word Count Pro.

Export Your Word Count Data

The final new feature in version 2.3.0 of WP Word Count Pro is a new Export feature which you can find under its own tab in the Settings section of the plugin.

WP Word Count Pro Export

WP Word Count Pro’s export lets you select content to export by post type, post status, author and even date the content was published. The exported data comes in a generic CSV file that you can open in any spreadsheet application you might regularly use.

Purchase WP Word Count Pro

Calculation options and exporting are just two of the many features exclusive to WP Word Count Pro that you won’t find in our free version. You can buy a single site license or unlimited site license and immediately unlock these additional features.
